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Course Prerequisites This course requires a student to have successfully completed Algebra 1Honors and Geometry Honors. Text and Suggested Supplies All items are to be brought to class daily. Text supplied for each student to take home as well as the online version provided: Algebra 2 by Holt McDougal ( ISBN 978-0-547-66702-9) Supplies: Calculator notebook dedicated to alg. II notes only pencils/pens Grading This is a lecture-style course where students are expected to take notes and complete daily assignments. The teacher will provide several examples for the students to follow and if time allows, guided practice during class. The students are expected to complete every assignment, read their text, and review their work on a daily basis. The students should be prepared for quizzes and projects given at the teachers discretion. No late assignments will receive credit. If a student is absent, their missed assignment, quiz, or test will have to be made up within the allotted time per student code of conduct. **All unexcused absences will only be awarded 70% of a students earned grade per school policy. Assignments will be graded based on completion most of the time. Every problem must be attempted in order to receive full credit. Assignments will be graded on a random basis. This is designed to prepare you for college where no homework grades are given. Course work will be graded on total points: 90% A 80% B 70% C 60% D Quarter 1 (or 3)35% Quarter 2 (or 4)35% Exam30% Total100% Semester grades will be weighted as follows: Policies and Procedures SEE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Students are expected to be on time and prepared for every class. After the first 10 minutes of class, you will not only be marked as unexcused tardy but also have a referral submitted for skipping class. The student is expected to be in his/her seat when the bell rings and be ready to work. Students are not allowed to be out of their seat without permission. The only electronic devise allowed to be used during class is a calculator. Cell phones are not to be used as calculators. Cell phones and electronic devices are to be put away while entering the classroom. It is the students responsibility to find what they missed if/when they are absent. The only time a student is allowed to sleep or lay his/her head down in class is after a quiz or test. If the student is too ill to sit up and participate, they will be given a pass to the clinic. No food or drink other than water is allowed in the classroom. Restroom passes are given as needed. Students are expected to not abuse this. Student is expected to leave phone in the classroom when they go. Course Objectives Building on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions.2 Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions, and continue to expand and hone their abilities to model situations and to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. The critical areas for this course, organized into five units, are as follows: Unit 1- Polynomial, Rational, and Radical Relationships: This unit develops the structural similarities between the system of polynomials and the system of integers. Students draw on analogies between polynomial arithmetic and base-ten computation, focusing on properties of operations, particularly the distributive property. Students connect multiplication of polynomials with multiplication of multi-digit integers, and division of polynomials with long division of integers. Students identify zeros of polynomials, including complex zeros of quadratic polynomials, and make connections between zeros of polynomials and solutions of polynomial equations. The unit culminates with the fundamental theorem of algebra. A central theme of this unit is that the arithmetic of rational expressions is governed by the same rules as the arithmetic of rational numbers. Unit 2- Trigonometric Functions: Building on their previous work with functions, and on their work with trigonometric ratios and circles in Geometry, students now use the coordinate plane to extend trigonometry to model periodic phenomena. Unit 3- Modeling with Functions: In this unit students synthesize and generalize what they have learned about a variety of function families. They extend their work with exponential functions to include solving exponential equations with logarithms. They explore the effects of transformations on graphs of diverse functions, including functions arising in an application, in order to abstract the general principle that transformations on a graph always have the same effect regardless of the type of the underlying function. They identify appropriate types of functions to model a situation, they adjust parameters to improve the model, and they compare models by analyzing appropriateness of fit and making judgments about the domain over which a model is a good fit. The description of modeling as the process of choosing and using mathematics and statistics to analyze empirical situations, to understand them better, and to make decisions is at the heart of this unit. The narrative discussion and diagram of the modeling cycle should be considered when knowledge of functions, statistics, and geometry is applied in a modeling context. Unit 4- Inferences and Conclusions from Data: In this unit, students see how the visual displays and summary statistics they learned in earlier grades relate to different types of data and to probability distributions. They identify different ways of collecting data including sample surveys, experiments, and simulationsand the role that randomness and careful design play in the conclusions that can be drawn. Unit 5- Applications of Probability: Building on probability concepts that began in the middle grades, students use the languages of set theory to expand their ability to compute and interpret theoretical and experimental probabilities for compound events, attending to mutually exclusive events, independent events, and conditional probability. Students should make use of geometric probability models wherever possible. They use probability to make informed decisions. Course Outline First Quarter The student will spend the first quarter reviewing topics learned in Algebra 1. Topics will include solving equations and inequalities with single variables, solving linear equations and inequalities, and linear systems (two and three variables). This will be the time the student masters skills he/she started learning in middle school. Second Quarter The first half of the second quarter will be dedicated to quadratic equations and their graphs. The student will learn how to use quadratic equations to solve problems and will work with complex numbers. The student will also be able to graph quadratic equations/inequalities and write equations represented by graphs. The second half of the quarter focuses on polynomials and polynomial functions. The student will study the essential theories of Algebra and apply those theories to real-world problems. The quarter ends with a review of the year and a mid-term exam. Third Quarter The third quarter begins with the study of radical functions and rational exponents. The student will learn the rules for exponents and radicals and apply them to various problems. The next topic for the quarter is exponential and logarithmic functions. The student will learn to apply the rules for these functions to graphs and real-world problems. The final topic for the quarter is rational functions and their graphs. The student will study the peculiarities of the graphs of rational functions and apply these to real-world problems. Fourth Quarter The fourth quarter will introduce the student to quadratic relations and their graphs. The student will be able to write equations in standard form to identify the conic section and its geometric properties. The student will next study sequences and series. The topic will focus on patterns in math and how to apply this math to future classes. The student will finish the year with an introduction to trigonometric ratios and functions and the unit circle. The fourth quarter ends with a review of the year and a final exam. This is a tentative schedule of study. Additions, deletions, or adjustments will be made at the instructors discretion. The instructor will also focus on vocabulary needed to better understand mathematics, and how the mathematical definition can relate to other courses. The student will not only be required to apply knowledge to real-world problems, but also explain how to solve problems in sentence and paragraph form. The student will also learn to access background knowledge and apply it to new topics. A variety of assessments will be used throughout the school year. There will be multiple choice, basic computations, and extended response, including written explanations. The students are expected to follow proper grammar and punctuation rules and use the correct spelling. There may also be vocabulary tests.  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